

I watched Youtube movie which explains Rust. I hadn't understood about lifetime and other Rust features, so my understanding was improved. I started to use Tauri and tried to make Todolist application. I will publish an article some weeks later.


I translated some pages of Biome docs into Japanese. But some pages haven't translated even now, so when I have time I'll translate remaining pages.


I attended the dinner party held by my company. I enjoyed talking with my co-workers, especially my buddy who reviews my code every time. I met him in person for the first time and it was fun. I also enjoyed darts there for the first time (not Dart which is programming language).


I got my hair cut, and I had planned to buy my suit for the graduation ceremony but I was not able to go, so I have to go next week.



Frontend Conference Hokkaido was held on 8/25(Sun), but I didn't go because it's a bit hard to adjust airplane ticket and hotel to stay, so I read some slides uploaded to X (which I accessed from zenn article).


I wanted earplugs to prevent all noises around the world. So I ordered Loop Quiet 2 (not LUUP). And I also ordered the textbook of FP test (I mentioned it previous article).


I received some items I ordered the day before yesterday such as textbook (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4300111790), earplugs, and so on. I read the chapter on tax planning and I learned about income tax. It was confusing but very useful knowledge.


I read the chapter on investment. It was difficult for me to understand because I lacked Prerequisite knowledge. But I googled about NISA and peripheral information and I understood a little.



I started trying to listen to English using TOEIC workbook.


I heard that I've got a credit of the graduate thesis presentation, so I should be able to graduate my school. I'm glad to know that. I'll assemble my source code for research and provide them to my supervisor.
I want to learn about finances (for example tax, insurance, stock, and so on), so I'll buy the textbook of FP and study it.


I finished reading "読み手につたわる文章 - テクニカルライティング" and I learned there is "日本語スタイルガイド", so when 4th edition will be published I'll buy it.
I retried to use vscode-neovim. I had tried to use it about half a year ago but I didn't use it well, so this time I want to use it and want to be able to efficiently write code on VSCode.


I installed nvim-surrounded to my neovim, it's very useful.


I tried to use xstate, a library for state management using state machine. We will be able to make it easier to manage complicated states. I submitted the notification of opening because I'm working as a freelance. It was not difficult to submit using freee, but I don't completely understand employment systems and finances, so I'll study it.


I developed something for an article on traP blog relay. I struggled with a hydration error, but the cause was a cache, so when I deleted .next directory, it was solved... the article will be published on 9/14.


I realized it's a good to have ChatGPT correct my English in my weekly reports.


I started reading a11y book again. I read this book last year, but I forgot most of its content, so I read it again.


I thought how to improve my English listening skill and watched some Youtube videos, but I couldn't find an effective way to practice. I'm poor at listening since I was a high school student, so I want to overcome this issue. If anyone knows a good way to solve the problem, please let me know.
I think there are two reasons why I can't listen and comprehend English. One is the lack of vocabulary. Naturally, if I don't know the words speaker is using, I can't understand them. Another is I'm not used to listen to English, so I hope that by listening to English everyday, I'll gradually be able to understand what is being said.


I went to Tokyo Tech to obtain my certificate of expected graduation to submit to prospective employer. I finished reading "世界一流エンジニアの思考法" on the train. It was beneficial for me.
And I tried to use GitHub Codespaces. My PC isn't powerfull enough to develop web app, but using it I might be able to develop more comfortably. Students can use it for free until 90 hours using 2 core CPU, and if we use up the range of free, it will cost about 1 dollars per 5.5 hours. I think it is inexpensive.
At night, I read "テスト自動化実践ガイド 継続的にWebアプリケーションを改善するための知識と技法".


I'm trying to use English actively when I think in my mind. And I'm bored with read technical books, so I want to find some new thing to do(I don't do anything interesting).
Instead of trying to do many things one day alternatively, it might be better to focus on one thing each day.




I gave a presentation on my graduation thesis. I was very afraid of professor's questions, but I managed to answer them.
Even though it hasn't been decided yet whether I will be able to graduate Tokyo Tech, I strongly hope I can.


I published Zenn blog article about the replacement to Next.js from Angular on No9, where I've been working as an frontend engineer since about two years ago.
Please check it out.



I joined CoeFont supported through an referral from a senior in my club. I'll be contributing to development for only two months, I want to enjoy it(Since October, I'm going to be working for another company as a prospective employee).
This week, I've set up my environment to develop and I successfully started the development server, so I can begin coding since next week.
Including No9, I'll be working five days a week, so I need to make the most of the two days left.


I went to Gyu-Kaku with my club members for an after-party of the release of traPortfolio. Please read the article about traPortfolio below.


It was delicious.

Yakiniku of Gyu-Kaku
Yakiniku of Gyu-Kaku