

I started trying to listen to English using TOEIC workbook.


I heard that I've got a credit of the graduate thesis presentation, so I should be able to graduate my school. I'm glad to know that. I'll assemble my source code for research and provide them to my supervisor.
I want to learn about finances (for example tax, insurance, stock, and so on), so I'll buy the textbook of FP and study it.


I finished reading "読み手につたわる文章 - テクニカルライティング" and I learned there is "日本語スタイルガイド", so when 4th edition will be published I'll buy it.
I retried to use vscode-neovim. I had tried to use it about half a year ago but I didn't use it well, so this time I want to use it and want to be able to efficiently write code on VSCode.


I installed nvim-surrounded to my neovim, it's very useful.


I tried to use xstate, a library for state management using state machine. We will be able to make it easier to manage complicated states. I submitted the notification of opening because I'm working as a freelance. It was not difficult to submit using freee, but I don't completely understand employment systems and finances, so I'll study it.


I developed something for an article on traP blog relay. I struggled with a hydration error, but the cause was a cache, so when I deleted .next directory, it was solved... the article will be published on 9/14.