

Frontend Conference Hokkaido was held on 8/25(Sun), but I didn't go because it's a bit hard to adjust airplane ticket and hotel to stay, so I read some slides uploaded to X (which I accessed from zenn article).


I wanted earplugs to prevent all noises around the world. So I ordered Loop Quiet 2 (not LUUP). And I also ordered the textbook of FP test (I mentioned it previous article).


I received some items I ordered the day before yesterday such as textbook (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4300111790), earplugs, and so on. I read the chapter on tax planning and I learned about income tax. It was confusing but very useful knowledge.


I read the chapter on investment. It was difficult for me to understand because I lacked Prerequisite knowledge. But I googled about NISA and peripheral information and I understood a little.